How to create a CV for a Pensions Administrator role


Are you thinking of applying for a Pensions/Senior Pensions Administrator Role?

Here are some key points and tips to help you create a CV that truly stands out from the crowd.

Hints & Tips

To quickly help a recruiter identify which role you’d be best suited to, let them know on your CV the type of scheme you have experience of working in. You’re more likely to be taken to the next stage if they can see where you’d fit in and not have to guess which area your experience is in.

To follow on from the above point, make sure to include the size of the scheme you’ve worked on - small, medium or large, for example. This demonstrates what abilities you have and what workloads and responsibilities you may be able to manage.

Another thing to include in your CV to demonstrate your skillset for this role is to include what your primary responsibilities were. For example, working on new joiners, leavers transfers, or retirals?

If there’s anything else such as extra project work you’ve undertaken, then always add this to your CV, It’s a really great way to show how you can juggle workloads and manage multiple projects.

Do you have main client points of contact that you deal with? Include this information on your CV as it’s a good way to highlight strong people skills and ability to maintain professional relationships with clients and other areas of the business.

Finally, don’t forget to include the systems you use, if any. Such as Profound, Altair, Excel, etc. Since not all pension firms use the same tools and systems, this is helpful information for them to see what you might need training on or not.

Common Mistakes

Finally, we’ve identified some common mistakes often found in CV’s when applying for pension administrator roles, all of which are easy to fix and improve before submitting your application!

Lastly, we’ve identified some common mistakes often found in CVs from people applying for pension administrator roles - these are all easy to fix and improve before you submit an application.

  • You didn’t include enough - or any details regarding the size and types of schemes you worked on
  • The description of your daily tasks could be expanded to include more detail
  • The systems you used or are familiar with aren’t listed on your CV
  • You haven’t included things like start and end dates from previous employment

For further insights and tips on your Pension CV, partner with the Pension experts. Get in touch -

Posted by: Branwell Ford